Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What kind of entertainment was there?

        A type of entertainment nights did for people was jousting fights. That is when the nights get on horses and run at each other with sharp poles, ouch. Knights also played a game like soccer but it is called bandyball it sounds like fun. They played that after a feast. There were also fools who walked around and entertained people. They carried around rattles with them.
       The people that lived in the castle played a lot of games. Some of them are dice games, chess, and arm wrestleing. They also played games with animals. Some of them were bear baiting which was a dog had to try to scare a bear. Also chicken fighting which was chickens fighting. I think that is not right. 



  1. I wonder how the dog would scare the bear. I hope that the dog did not get hurt.

  2. I wonder if the medieval knights created soccer or if that came earlier. That is wrong that they have chicken fights.
